Historic Home Remodeling: Repaint Your Exterior with These Period-Appropriate Color Scheme Ideas

Professional House Painter Painting the Trim And Shutters of A Home.

A Historic Home Remodel Should Match Your Architectural Style Inside and Out

A strong relationship exists between your home’s exterior colors and its architectural style. Paint should be used to enhance the details of your historic beauty, not detract from them.

Too often, though, an older home’s original coloring is long buried beneath coatings. Even if you are able to uncover it by scraping away layers of paint, you won’t necessarily find a good representation of what it once was due to factors like time and weather.

So how do you know where to start? If your home is on a historic registry, you’ll have specific regulations to follow. But if not, you may need help identifying colors that are appropriate for the period in which your home was built.

Get inspired with these exterior color scheme ideas ahead of your next historic home remodeling project.

For a Tudor Historic Home Remodel

Tudor homes are characterized by their steeply pitched gable roofs, precise masonry and stonework, and unmistakable half-timbered details on the facade. Their long, decorative beams positioned vertically are contrasted by lighter stucco or stone placed in between, creating a two-tone color scheme.

Because so many natural elements define a Tudor, your paint choices should also reflect the hues commonly found outdoors. Opt for soft colors, like a light buttery yellow or off-white on the main body of your home to help the existing deep earthy tones stand out.

Dark grays and chocolate browns can be used along the wooden trim of doorways, windows, and roof lines to complement the rich, warm aesthetic. For a fun way to play into your home’s impressive brickwork, you may consider painting your front door an eye-catching rustic red.

For these historic home remodeling projects, it’s important to note that you should avoid painting any exterior features made from raw materials, like brick or stone. These natural components of your Tudor home are what give it its old-world elegance and charm.

For a Victorian Historic Home Remodel

Quite different from Tudor historic home remodeling projects, Victorian houses boast much more saturated exteriors.

Because these homes were built for such a long period of time, though, the style evolved into multiple subsets, including Queen Anne, Italianate, Gothic, Folk, and Romanesque Revival. This leaves a variety of proper paint colors available to homeowners – from sky blues to maroons.

Victorian homes traditionally had more muted color palettes, with olive greens, taupes, deep reds, and beige all being popular choices. Early on, there was a belief that homes should blend in with the natural surroundings.

But over time, brighter pigments became easier and more affordable to produce. Homeowners began to adopt striking schemes with upwards of five colors that mixed vibrant hues, pastels, and deeper shades. This created the dramatic contrast we know and love about Victorians today and better highlighted these homes’ ornate features.

Ultimately, the modern Victorian homeowner has several period-appropriate color directions to choose from. But for a truly authentic approach, it’s best to work with a knowledgeable historic home remodeling contractor who can help determine your specific Victorian style and a color scheme that makes the most sense.

For a Craftsman Historic Home Remodel

Craftsman architecture was born out of the Arts and Crafts movement in the late 19th century. After the Victorian era and years of dollhouse-like structures with over-the-top ornamentation, Craftsman homes were ushered in with simplicity and practicality in mind.

In true Craftsman fashion, builders left many of the structural elements of their designs exposed to showcase the artistry that went into their work. Other defining features include a low-pitched roof, overhanging eaves, and squared or rounded columns that frame a deep front porch.

For the exterior of a Craftsman historical home remodeling project, earth tones are often used to emphasize the surrounding landscape. Hues can be light or dark but are most importantly soft and natural. Think moss greens, slate blues, and light tans that almost border on yellow.

For painted details, choose colors that create subtle contrast. Pick something too bold, and you take away from your Craftsman’s classic cozy feel. Imagine a forest green body with ochre trim, or a brown-gray home with pale olive accents.

Contact a Home Remodeling Contractor Who Understands Period-Appropriate Architectural Design

Any home update can be daunting, but it’s even more so when you have a historic home remodeling project on your hands. You want to preserve your home’s unique character, not erase it.

The good news is that you don’t have to decide on a period-appropriate exterior color scheme alone. Partnering with an experienced home remodeling contractor ensures your home suits its architectural style – both inside and out.

Get in touch with a trusted remodeling company near you to learn more and get your historical home remodeling questions answered.