Historic Home Sunrooms: How to Use These Flex Spaces This Spring and Summer

Bright solarium-style sunroom off the master suite

Our Historic Home Contractors Share Their Sunroom Knowledge and Expertise

Sunrooms are a familiar feature in many historic homes in Kansas City. Typically built on the south side of the home because this area experiences the most light and heat, these rooms provided a retreat for homeowners to experience the benefits of sun and warmth throughout the year.

Originally intended to be enjoyed unheated in the spring, summer, and fall, historic sunrooms can still be used for this purpose today. They provide an exceptional opportunity – and blank canvas – when historic home contractors work to remodel them in a manner that preserves a sunroom’s rich architectural past while enabling a modern living experience.

In this article, Architectural Craftsmen, the award-winning team specializing in home remodeling near you – shares our historic home remodeling ideas for your sunroom.

Your Historic Home’s Sunroom Is More Versatile Than You Might Imagine

Historically, sunrooms were attached to homes for additional living space that could be used during the more temperate months of the year. However, the modern sunroom can be repurposed for far more. Here are some recommendations for how to use your sunroom this spring and summer from our team of historic home contractors.

  • Dinner Parties
    While interior dining rooms can feel cozy for fall and winter meals, homeowners and guests are more likely to enjoy dining outdoors in the spring and summer. Your sunroom provides a kind of hybrid space where you can feel the open air and even catch a glimpse of the stars while still remaining indoors. By including a longer table in your sunroom, you can create a dining experience that will accommodate you and your guests without some of the annoyances that come with outdoor dining, including insects and neighborhood noise.

  • Play Area
    Sunrooms make perfect play areas because they are often set off to the side of the house. If you have children, it’s likely that you also want your playroom set off to the side because those piles of toys can become a nuisance and hazard when they’re in your main living areas. Organize your children’s toys with child-level shelving and reserve this sunlit space for your children’s arts and crafts, learning, and imaginary play.

  • Exercise
    When you transform your sunroom into a space for exercise, you get all the benefits of the outdoors without the downsides. Even in the spring and summer, going for a jog in the morning can still be chilly, but when you set up your treadmill, elliptical, or yoga mat in your sunroom, you’ll get the sun and climate-controlled air. Imagine being able to greet the sun as you get your day started healthfully on your yoga mat.

  • Private Reading Room
    Throughout the spring and fall – and in the mornings and evenings during the summer – a sunroom can become the perfect place for privacy and a good book. Much like a child’s playroom, you can divide this part of your home from the rest with design choices and furnishings that you’ll look forward to when you want some privacy, quiet, and time for reflection. Being able to sit with a coffee as the warm sun rises during the spring and summer months or reading long into a summer night are true pleasures for any homeowner – and a thoughtfully designed sunroom can afford these luxuries. Connecting your heating system to your sunroom enables year-round enjoyment.

No matter what you decide to do with your historic sunroom, Architectural Craftsmen, the leading team of designers and builders for historic home remodeling near you, hopes you find the perfect solution for this unique part of your home. We’re always thinking of new historic home remodeling ideas, whether it’s for Craftsman-, Tudor-, and Colonial-style historic homes, or any of the beautiful historic architecture found in homes throughout Kansas City.

Get to Know Architectural Craftsmen: A Key Resource for Your Historic Home

From whole-home remodeling to kitchen and bathroom remodels and more, Architectural Craftsmen provides renovation and remodeling work that emphasizes the historic charm of your home while offering updated amenities and features that homeowners desire today.

As a highly experienced company for home remodeling near you, our historic home contractors have enlivened and reimagined historic homes throughout Kansas City – from Mission Hills to Hyde Park.

Send us a message online or call us directly at (913) 963-2246 to tell us about your vision for your historic home. We’re excited to contribute our knowledge, experience, and craftsmanship to bring that vision to life.