Should I DIY My Historic Home Remodeling Project?

woman considering diy

DIY Projects Come With Lots of Challenges, So Here’s How To Make The Right Choices During Your Home Remodeling in Kansas City

Remodeling a home is a significant endeavor, particularly those built decades or even centuries ago. These properties come with rich architectural history, unique design elements, and often, a few surprises that can challenge even the most seasoned DIY enthusiast.

Although DIYers can enjoy an interesting learning experience through their projects, historic home remodeling experts already have that foundation. They specialize in architectural design, fine carpentry, and history. Their mission is to protect significant design elements of historic homes while making them more accommodating for modern life.

This begs the question: should you DIY your historic home remodeling project? The answer may surprise you.

The Challenges Of DIY In Historic Home Remodeling

Historic homes are artifacts of an era, each with its own story and unique features indicative of how people lived and engaged with society at the time. The craftsmanship, materials, and construction methods used in these homes often reflect the period’s complex contexts.

Remodeling a historic home requires an understanding of these factors to maintain its historical integrity and uniqueness, while adapting it for contemporary use. Doing so presents unique challenges.

  1. Specialized knowledge and skills: Remodeling a historic home requires a thorough understanding of period-specific architectural features and building techniques. Unlike modern homes, where standard methods and materials are widely applicable, a historic home will likely feature unique designs and construction methods. For instance, you might encounter plaster walls instead of drywall, original woodwork that needs specialized attention, or outdated electrical systems that require careful upgrading to meet current codes.
  2. Sourcing authentic materials: When exploring historic home remodeling ideas, one of the cornerstones of preserving your home’s integrity is using authentic, period-appropriate design. Finding these materials can be difficult and confusing. Reclaimed wood, period-specific fixtures, and historically accurate finishes are not readily available at your local home improvement store. In many cases, these materials must be sourced from specialized suppliers or custom-made, and it is beneficial to seek advice from professional craftsmen and historic home remodeling contractors near you.
  3. Navigating modern codes for electricity and plumbing: Many home remodelers have to consider modern electricity and plumbing codes. This can be a challenge with historic homes, often built before these modern codes existed. Navigating these regulations requires a thorough understanding of building codes and how to bring existing home systems into the modern era. It’s a process that is outside of the scope of most DIYers and requires licensed professionals to perform the work – another important reason why trusting a professional historic home remodeling company is a smart idea for any project.
  4. Structural and hidden issues: Due to their age, historic homes may have structural issues or concealed damage that is not immediately apparent to the untrained eye. Foundation problems, asbestos, and lead can pose significant challenges in historic home remodeling. Anticipating for, identifying, and addressing them requires expertise and experience, something that professional historic home remodeling experts and certain home remodeling contractors near you possess.

The Benefits of Choosing A Professional Historic Home Remodeling Company Over DIY

  1. Expertise in historical renovation Professional historic home remodelers bring a wealth of expertise that the vast majority of DIYers will not possess. A professional historic home remodeling company will understand the nuances of different architectural styles and periods, ensuring that every element of your remodel respects and enhances the original design.

    Choosing a professional old home renovation company means finding experts who anticipate and address the unique challenges that come with historic home remodeling, avoiding errors that might happen when tackled by an untrained DIYer. Additionally, most respectful and considerate historic home renovation professionals will work hand-in-hand with you throughout your project, listening to your vision and taking inspiration and direction from your home remodeling ideas.

  2. Access to specialized resources Working with a professional firm gives you access to a network of specialized resources, including skilled craftsmen who can replicate period-specific details or suppliers of rare materials. This network is invaluable in ensuring that your home remodeling project maintains the highest standards of authenticity and quality.
  3. Efficient project management A historic home renovation is a complex, multifaceted project that requires careful planning and coordination. Remodelers experienced in historic homes have the skills and organizational capacity to project-manage efficiently, minimizing disruptions and ensuring timely completion. This is essential in minimizing complications and roadblocks that often befall DIY projects. Most DIYers work full-time, leaving them little time to properly manage a project at the scale of a historic home remodel.
  4. Peace of mind Perhaps the most significant benefit of working with professionals is the peace of mind it brings. Knowing that your home is in the hands of experts who respect its historical significance and have the skills to execute your vision to perfection is invaluable. This assurance allows you to enjoy the process, confident that the result will be both beautiful and historically appropriate, avoiding the risks and time consumption that impact DIY home remodeling projects.

For Professional Historic Home Remodeling in Kansas City, Trust the Experts With Your Historic Home

While the desire to pursue a DIY historic home remodeling in Kansas City is understandable, the complexities and unique challenges associated with historic homes make professional expertise indispensable.

Preserve the historical integrity of your home while making it functional for modern living by choosing a professional historic home remodeler to see your project through.

Contact local historic home remodeling professionals. They will discuss your home remodeling ideas, chat through any special considerations for your project, and use extensive knowledge and experience to execute your remodel to highest standards, offering respectful and attentive service every step of the way.